Friday 25 April 2008

Me laughing, ya know.

Aaahhhh… Today I finished me uni thing. Handed in. Done. I got me bike and went to the supermarket, wind of freedom on my face, laughing, got lost in the back streets, laughing, playing rude tunes as loud as me phone allowed, laughing, thinking of berries. I could throw meself on the ground and listen to all me tunes in someone’s front garden if I wanted to, me face on the grass, laughing. Happy days. I’ve got nothin’ to do!

The worker boyz removing the east London line right by me house looked more orange today. And funny, and cute. Sometimes we chat but it’s like having a conversation with a friend travelling by tube. After a while the line drops like it was never there. Very cute in orange thou.

It’s me and me berries, now.


Anonymous said...


Hertz Hertz said...

Cheers Ind. It was nerve wrecking. :0

davi roque said...

parabéns mulher!

Hertz Hertz said...

Valeu! :)

It was just a module, not the whole course... But hey, very hard!


Anonymous said...

congrats. cheers.