In the May issue of Deep Sea Research, scientists report that salps, about the size of a human thumb, swarming by the billions in "hot spots" may be transporting tons of carbon per day from the ocean surface to the deep sea and keep it from re-entering the atmosphere.
Salps are semi-transparent, barrel-shaped marine animals that move through the water by drawing water in the front end and propelling it out the rear in a sort of jet propulsion. The water passes over a mucus membrane that vacuums it clean of all edible material.
The oceans absorb excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, including some from the burning of fossil fuels. In sunlit surface waters, tiny marine plants called phytoplankton use the carbon dioxide, C02, to grow. Animals then consume the phytoplankton and incorporate the carbon, but most of it dissolves back into the oceans when the animals defecate or die. The carbon can be used again by bacteria and plants, or can return to the atmosphere as heat-trapping carbon dioxide when it is consumed and respired by animals.

One swarm covered 100,000 square kilometers (38,600 square miles) of the sea surface. The scientists estimated that the swarm consumed up to 74 percent of microscopic carbon-containing plants from the surface water per day, and their sinking fecal pellets transported up to 4,000 tons of carbon a day to deep water.
"Salps swim, feed, and produce waste continuously," Madin said. "They take in small packages of carbon and make them into big packages that sink fast."
In previous work, Madin and WHOI biologist Richard Harbison found that salp fecal pellets sink as much as 1,000 meters (3,280 feet) a day. The scientists also showed that when salps die, their bodies also sink fast--up to 475 meters (1,575 feet) a day, far faster than most pellets.. If salps are really a dead-end in the food web and remain uneaten on the way down, they could send even more carbon to the deep.

"At the surface," Madin said, "salps can feed on phytoplankton. They may swim down in the day to avoid predators or damaging sunlight. And swimming up at night allows them to aggregate to reproduce and multiply quickly when food is abundant."
Because of this behavior, salps release fecal pellets in deep water, where few animals eat them. This enhances the transport of carbon away from the atmosphere.
In 2004 and 2006, Madin and Kremer studied salp swarms in a different ecosystem, the Southern Ocean near Antarctica. Some scientists have reported larger salp populations there in warmer years with less sea ice. If this proves true, and if Antarctica's climate warms, salp swarms could have a greater effect on phytoplankton and carbon in the Southern Ocean ecosystem.
From Underwater Times
Check Oceanusfor more information, pictures and videos
What I really meant was:
What have we come to when we need a bunch of crap to save our bacon?
Our fat is truly in the fire.
Ya mi voy a la chingada...
Jeeze, I did a search on "mucus membrane fecal pellets" hoping to come up with some sick scat porno action and I get this science bs instead... And with a name like "voidwithme", I was already thinking, like, some sexy chick inviting me to void my bowels with her ;-D ;-D
I couldn't help noticing, this weird comment that that guy from realgem posted on voidwithme has showed up on his own blog. Do you think he comments his own blog to cover up the fact no one reads it?
Henderson Bostwick has a lot to learn about that guy from realgem.
I did a search on "redundant life forms" and Henderson Bostwick came up on top. Mate, keep you "crap" for yourself, will you?
It's true though, there is a weird moving comment.
This is all just too much.
Anyway, I believe these jelly-creatures... ahem... may have been evolved into existence in the last few decades to take advantage of the carbon imbalance in the system.
I believe, unlike old Shitwick himself, these salps have been around far longer than the past few decades...and are actually an important part of the web of life.
God forbid we suffer opportunistic swarms of Shitwicks.
indigo's last comment provided me with the first roaring laughter of the day.
Thank you.
I am guessing Mr Bostwick's comment was ventured in a spirit of absurdism. He must be pleasantly surprised to have been taken so seriously.
Nobody took old Shitwick seriously, save you i.:.s:.
Everyone else realized he was full of shit from the getgo.
He just needs a hug. You do it.
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