Thursday, 31 July 2008


by David Wilcock

As we are entering into the second to last Jupiter - Saturn conjunction before the end, the increase in the fourth - dimensional streamings of energy from the Sun as it prepares to "exhale" should be enough to open a dimensional vortex for those people who are vibrationally capable of handling it. Indeed, the Ra Material states that we are already in the fourth density vibrational level now, but people are not able to focus into it because of the planetary vibrations. This 1999 cycle will blow it open.

But, even as the Ascension happens, we get the beginning of the Pole Shifts, as apparently this is part of the consequence of the increasing frequency; it literally shatters the slower frequencies apart that cannot handle the faster vibrational speeds. This vibrational stress manifests in the Earth as heat, which causes such things as El Nino, volcanoes, flooding and earthquakes, and it manifests as great mental stress and karmic tension in the unprepared human. It is the last two cycles where all of the very major clearing has to be done.

We can already see the geometric increase in Earth Change activities in the last 20 years, and we must now realize that we are about to have another increase at just as high a degree as the one that started the present season in 1979. Many sources state unequivocably that there will simply not be an inhabited third - dimensional planet after the Ascension, as those recently ascended to the Fourth will not have yet learned the full secrets of how to camouflage themselves from the third; this could be very injurious to both parties. Thus, by 2039, our present living space will be wiped clean.

We can now see that the ascension itself starts in 1999, and those Ascended have to come back in 2039, skipping the years where the cleansing takes place. This could be accomplished by those individuals' spiritual essences traveling at near - light speed for a short time, and through the time - speeding effect of relativity, Earth time whizzes by at great speed, just long enough to make the intervening forty years pass. They are put back down on Earth in 2039, after all the storms, arthquakes and Earth

Changes have completed. This is what the Pyramid was indicating; a direct link between the "Final establishment of a separate and unique society based totally on allegiance to the Spiritual" in 1999 and "the mass incarnation of the Messianic presence in the Earth Planes" in 2039.

Indeed, I believe that the Mayan Calendar is designed in such a way that the actual nastiness associated with the pole shift is entirely complete before the full dimensional shift itself actually occurs. Thus, what we will have is a discrete increase in the degree of fourth - density vibrations in 1999 - 2000 which will be strong enough to catapult some people out, and they would be unable to Ascend into the Earth Planes until the third dimension was "clear," which should take the forty years to complete. So during that time, we can expect the Mad Max types of scenarios for those who have not yet Ascended, in the process of the clearing. Indeed, the Pyramid's chronology indicates just this fact; the total collapse of materialist society. [This same chronology incidentally targeted the Nov. 27, 1985 closest Earth approach of Halley's Comet to within three days of accuracy; the Pyramid states, "30 Nov 1985: Powerful spiritual influences start to irradiate the enlightened." Those powerful influences were obviously brought in by the comet, with the explosion of the Space Shuttle and Glasnost with the USSR soon afterwards.]



Saturday, 26 July 2008

Urban Dictionary Word of the Day - No, not today's

3. Attention Spam 740 up, 872 down
A condition resulting in a failure to process basic facts or comprehend common knowledge, due largely to having a mind full of useless information. - "Kali's numerous typos were a result of her suffering from attention spam."

See also Nut Huggers, Pomo and I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Toward a Cultural Ecology of Anarchy

CONTROL FIGURES arise when anarchic communities, immersed in beatific dreams, visions and vocations, inadvertently delegate too much authority to an individual who is temporarily assigned the task of maintaining the (to them) subsidiary and trivial apparatus which sustains material life. The distracted community does not realize until too late that the strong individual gradually accumulates power through continuously performing the disparaged maintenance duties. The individual constructs a hierarchy to facilitate his responsibilities, and this hierarchical institution is eventually employed to enslave the free community. As the institution expands and becomes more impersonal, it gains a momentum of its own and becomes unmanageable, even by its ostensible rulers. Hence, its deistic, absolute powers, which are then projected or displaced onto the cosmos itself.

Toward a Cultural Ecology of Anarchy at

Monday, 21 July 2008

Friday, 18 July 2008

Yeah, give him the mic, but when it comes to parties...

OMG... Should I comment on that or not? hahaha... He just said: "two in the morning and the party is still jumpin' cos my mama ain't home..." hahahaha... "I've got bitches in the livin' room getting it on, and they ain't livin' til SIX in the mornin'..." hahahahaha...

Man, if you say that back where I was born they'll send you back to kinder garden, dude. Two in the morning and the party is still going? STILL GOING?? hahaha... And you're a gangsta, right? Things start later than two, dude! Or not? Oh right, maybe he used to live in Florida, near an old people's home or somethin'. Oh, no! He lives with mama!! And she's not home, so they're having a party! Well, that explains everything... hahahahaha...

And the bitches ain't leaving until six? SIX?? Are they really getting it on, dude? ARE YOU SURE? Or you're in the kitchen helping your mate who's throwing up gin and juice? How kind...

Your daily mix up

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Rubik's Cube used to get on right side of octopuses

By Rob Davies
Last Updated: 12:01am BST 07/07/2008

It may be an infuriating puzzle which has baffled and defeated countless children and their parents over more than two decades, but this octopus appears determined to solve the Rubik's Cube.

More on

Monday, 7 July 2008

IT tales