Sunday, 25 September 2005

My turn

"When in Rome, do like the Romanians" - Paula Daunt

Thursday, 15 September 2005

I have been really busy...

but this blog is one of those that can be read regardless of the date. There is loads to read, some interesting book recommended... I'll be back soon, but the amount of work I have at the moment is unreal. Thankfully!! See you soon. X

Sunday, 4 September 2005

Capitalist Pyramid

Saturday, 3 September 2005


Would you like to pay by personal check, or credit card? Money order, cash up front, put it on lay-away, financing and no money down? Automatic withdrawals to pay off the bank loans, college loans, Visa and Mastercard debt, State and Federal taxes, rent and food and health "care," a thousand banalities that keep you running like a hamster in a wheel between the classroom and the sucky job and the marriage altar, the freeway and the office and the corporate golf course meeting? Death on the intsallment plan, or all at once like a stockbroker mid-life crisis suicide on the next Black Monday?

Or would you really like something else, something altogether different? Would you like not to pay at all, never to pay again for land and food and even water? 100% off, everything MUST go! Have you ever had a dream in which everything was free, and you could eat whatever you wanted and go wherever you wanted and do anything you wanted? Have you ever wanted to have enough of everything that you could share freely with everyone else, without worrying about spending your resources "efficiently" and "responsibly"? Ever wated to quit being responsible for one moment and just do what your heart demands?

What "insurance" could you buy that would keep you safer than living in a world where people actually cared about each other?

Perhaps you should find yourself some like-minded friends, stop talking about how bad traffic was and start discussing tactics. Or swear to yourself that you will never, ever again do anything but chase your wildest dreams, every moment of your life. Or buy yourself a liter of gasoline and a bottle. It could be your last purchase ever.




Friday, 2 September 2005

Latina Americana

So happy I am. Got a place in a higher education course for free again, got money, loads of jobs on the way… One agency nominated me Casual Tactical Field Representative. Great! After a mind numbing session of television or in the mornings, I feel so lucky to be of so much value for England! They give me jobs, education, opportunities! Fabulous! There is so much money here! They are so fucking organized! Bollocks. For years and years, gold, sugar and all forms of energy were brought from South America to Europe, and now we are here, asking for fucking opportunities. Yeah. That’s how I think at night, eyes wide open, aware that our consciousness go back thousands of years. Politics, bla bla bla.

I’m gonna scramble their minds till they faint.

Mike sent me a very interesting text:

And I chose my favourite bits:

“Perhaps Latin Americans shouldn’t adopt the contemporary European behavior. Maybe it’s the contemporary Europe that must adopt and adapt to this philosophy, and underdevelop a little... They’d be... well, more humane.”

“Latin Americans find it very difficult to be accurate. It’s highly advisable to double-check the informations they provide. Especially when they provide obviously fantastic attributions, because, when in doubt, Latin Americans prefer fantastic features. It’s a poetic vocation. So enjoy it.”

“For Latin Americans there’s no salary or profit worth enough to substitute their joy or dolor of life. For Latin Americans the behavior of tragic heroes is an everyday vocation.”

“The Imperial Spanish leadership convinced those who would eventually become Latin Americans that they belonged to a unified empire. As much as the leaders of the United States have convinced their people that they belong to a unified empire. Contemporary Latin American leaders haven’t convinced anyone that they belong even to a provincial region. That’s why it’s so difficult in Latin America to engage in any collective enterprise.”

“The Cuban Revolution gratifies the anti-U.S. sentiment lingering in every Latin American, but it offends the Liberal democratic ideals that linger in every Latin American too. It’s an inclement choice, like Sophie’s. It’s not easy to be a Latin American.”

“The European visitor in our America finds in it a number of Western republics that support Western culture. He finds also aspects and areas of backwardness, but it is Western backwardness, it corresponds to forms that precede Western culture; in the worst of cases, the visitor has the sensation of being on a trip to a suburb or a colony, not to an alien condition. If the European visitor settles in our America, he begins to see and feel something strange, unexpected, impossible to define, incalculable in the behavior and the purposes of these people; it is something that is alien and foreign to the cultural horizon of this European. Friends — even the closest, whose thoughts, emotions and purposes are clear in the ordinary Western communication, who are usually cordial in assurance and confidence — can become opaque, enigmatic, impenetrable, totally alien. Later on they recover their “normality,” with no explanation for these unpredictable changes they suffered just a moment ago. What is that? Who is that? (J. M. BriceƱo Guerrero, 1994:221).”